Master GitHub Actions with hands-on labs and exercises. Learn how to automate workflows, run tests, deploy applications, and more using GitHub's powerful automation platform. This repository has everything you need to get started with continuous integration and continuous deployment.
In this lab, you will learn how to set up different environments in GitHub and how to use environment variables and secrets. You will also learn how to reference those variables and secrets in your workflows.
Estimated Duration: 30-40 minutes
Go to your repository on GitHub.
Click on the Settings
tab and navigate to the Environments
section on the left sidebar.
Click on Environments
. This will show you the list of environments, which should be empty if you have not created any environments earlier.
Click on New environment
Enter the environment name as dev
and click the Create environment
Repeat steps 4 and 5 to create another environment named prod
. You should now see both the dev
and prod
environments in the list.
Select the dev
environment and scroll down to the Environment variables section. Click on the Add environment variable button.
Enter the name as ENVIRONMENT
and the value as DEVELOPMENT
. Click the Add variable button.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 for the prod
environment, but with the value set to PRODUCTION
Both environment variables should now be added to their respective environments.
Select the dev
environment again and scroll down to the Environment secrets section. Click the Add environment secret button.
Enter the name as SECRET
. Click the Add secret button.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 for the prod
environment, but with the value set to SUPER SECRET PROD PASSWORD
The environment secrets should now be added to their respective environments.
Go to your repository’s Settings tab and navigate to Secrets and variables on the left sidebar.
Click on the New repository variables button.
and the value as repository-variable
. Click the Add variable button.
Navigate to the Env Var and Secrets Starter File.
Copy the content of the starter file:
name: Env Var and Secrets
In your repository, create a new workflow file under .github/workflows and name it env-var-secrets.yml.
Paste the copied content into the new file.
Commit the workflow file to the main branch.
Open the workflow file [environments-and-secrets.yml](/.github/workflows/environments-variables-and-secrets.yml)
in your repository.
Since we have created multiple environments, we use a matrix strategy to run the workflow for each environment.
environment: [dev, prod]
Set the context for the environment variables and secrets in the job by using:
environment: $
To access the environment variables in your workflow, use the following syntax:
- name: Display Environment Variable
run: |
echo "Building for environment: $"
echo "ENVIRONMENT_NAME (partial): ${ENVIRONMENT:0:5}..."
To access the environment secrets, use the following syntax:
- name: Display Environment Secret
run: |
echo "SECRET length: ${#SECRET}"
To access the repository variables, use this syntax:
- name: Display Repository Variable
run: |
Go to the Actions tab in your repository and click on the workflow Environments, Variables, and Secrets on the left sidebar.
Let the workflow run for both the dev
and prod
Click on the workflow run and check the logs for the environment variables, secrets, and repository variables.
In this lab, you learned how to: